186 History of Ideas makes the book an oddity only.1163 Investigating that gentle communist of the civil wars, Gerald Winstanley, Hudson not surprisingly finds him to have been an oldfashioned prophet, not a premature disciple of Marx.1163 Of Locke's social think- ing, his writings on education are possibly the most representa- tive.1170 A jump into the nineteenth century. Houghton uses belletristic writings in order to discover the emotional, intellec- tual and moral tenets of the middle and upper layers of Victorian society.1171 Burrow, more precisely and very suc- cessfully, analyses the socio-political consequences of Darwin- ism.1172 Here, too, biography has made its inroads, and five books on opinion-makers of the day shall be cited: on the insufferable Cobbett, propagandist and journalist of genius;1178 on the radical blue-stocking Harriet Martineau, no more bear- able;1174 on the delightful Bagehot, whose opinions, so well expressed, have been the more enduringly influential because of their lack of depth;1175 on the explosive essayist Leslie Stephen who sired both the D.N.B. and Virginia Woolf;1176 1168 Anthony Esler, The Aspiring Mind of the Elizabethan Towgtr Generation. Durham N.C.: Duke UP: 1966. Pp. xxiv, 266. Rev: /Krf53, loof. n«* \Vinthrop S. Hudson, 'The economic and social thought of Gerrard Winstanley', JMH 18 (1946), 1-21. "»°J. L. Axtell, ed., The Educational Writings of John Locke. CUP: 1968. Pp. xvi, 442. Rev: Hist 54, i03f. 11*1 W. E. Houghton, The Victorian Frame of Mind. New Haven: Yale UP: 1957. Pp. xvii, 467. Rev: EHR 74, issff. 1172 John W. Burrow, Evolution and Society: a study in Victorian social tfwght. CUP: 1966. Pp. xvii, 295. Rev: EHR 83, 4i8f. 1173 John W. Osborne, William Cobbett: his thought and his time. New Brunswick NJ.: Rutgers UP: 1966. Pp. x, 272. Rev: EHR 83, 629. 1174 Robert K. Webb, Harriet Martineau: a radical Victorian. L: Heinemann: 1960. Pp. xiii, 385. Rev: EHR 77, 395f.; HJ 3, ii7 s jsjonnan St John Stevas, Walter Bagehot: a study of Ms life and thought, together with a selection from his political writings. L: Eyre & Spottiswoode: 1959. Pp. xvi, 485. 1178 Noel Annan, Leslie Stephen: his thought and character in relation to Ms time. L: MacGibbon & Kee: 1951. Pp. viii, 342.