Historiography 189 century antiquary.1190 Dissertations have to seek their sub- jects where they may, but Schiitt's seemingly far-fetched study of the attitude adopted by eighteenth-century Englishmen to the ancient Teutons actually contributes something to the understanding of a period which, despite its insistence on the rational, could be extraordinarily naive and romantic.1191 Some true romantics - who very nearly were also true his- torians-appear in a book published in Germany by an American student of English, which deserve its place for its rarity value.1192 However, eighteenth-century historiography means mainly Gibbon. In gloomy Norway, Fuglum extracts from his view of history the conviction that everything always gets worse;1193 in courteous Italy, Giarizzo accords him the leading position in European culture which he always wanted to fill;1184 in America, they write his life (one wishes one could read the great man's review of this superficial book);11*5 in England, they study his style.1196 It is also in England, quite properly, that the only attempt is made to treat him in the round and no more solemnly than he would have approved.1197 Since Gib- bon, the legitimate succession has never been interrupted. Among the historians of the early nineteenth century, one 1190 Stuart Piggott, William Stvkelty, an eighteenth-centwy antiquary. O: Clarendon: 1950. Pp. xvi, 228, 1191 Marie Schiitt, Das Germanenproblem in der englischen Gexkichts- sckreibimg des i& Jakfhunderts. Hamburg: de Gruyter: 1960. Pp* 70. 1192 Robert Preycr, Benth&m, Coleridge and the Science of History. Bochum-Langendreer: Poppinghans: 1958, Pp. ix, 105. Rev: EHR 75, 3W. im per Fuglum, Edward Gibbon: his view of life and conception of history. Oslo: Akademisk Forlag: 1953. Pp. 176. Rev: EHR 71, 335^ 1194 G. Giarizzo, Edward Gibbon e la adtora europea del settecento. Naples: Istituto Italianoper glistudi storici: 1954. Pp. 534. Rev: EHRji, 6558". 1195 Joseph Ward Swain, Edward Gibbon the Historian. L: Maonillan: 1966. Pp. xii, 161, Rev: History & Theory 7, I44ff. im Harold K. Bond, The Literary Art of Edward Gibbon. O: Qaresidon: 1960. Pp. 167. 1197 Gavin de Beer, Gibbon and Ms World. L: Thames & Hudboti: 1968.Pp.