Science 193 chronicles.1215 Skinner casts doubt upon the notion that from the first the Society specialized in 'real' scientists: he shows that Hobbes was excluded on personal grounds, not because he practised the wrong discipline.121* Quite apart from the Royal Society, the seventeenth cen- tury witnessed the first appearance of the great man of science in England. Boas writes an important book on Robert Boyle, universal genius and father of chemistry.1217 'Espinasse offers a book that is nearly as good on the versatile Robert Hooke.1218 Much less impressive is a little book on the leading astronomer Halley.1219 William Harvey, discoverer of the major circula- tion of the blood, receives a large and solid volume which in great part assembles the fruits of bibliographical research;1220 his anatomical lectures have been magnificently edited with a translation (very necessary).1221 As was said above (n. 340), Hill has provoked a major discussion of the question whether this increasing activity had anything to do with political and more generally intellectual events. Not only have his re- viewers undermined a thesis erected on some provisional work done in the 1930'$, but Greaves and Shapiro, who both en- deavour to rescue something of the thesis by showing that such links as there wrere had nothing to do with the puritanism which Hill advanced by way of explanation, make one even 1215 Margery Purver, The Royal Society: concept and creation. "L: Rout- ledge: 1967. Pp xviii, 246. Rev: EHR 83, 568ff.; Hist&y of Science 6, io6ff. (highly critical). 181« Quentin Skinner, 'Thomas Hobbes and the nature of the early Royal Society*, HJ 12 (1969), 217-39, 121? Marie Boas, Robert Boyle and iftfi Century Chemistry* CUP: 1958. Pp. viii, 240. ms Margaret P. M. 'Espinasse, Robert Hooke* L: Heinemann: 1956. Pp. vii, 192. mf Angus Armytage, Edmond H&ttej. Edinburgh: Nelson: 1960. Pp. xii, 220. im Geoffrey Keynes, The Life of William Hervej. O: Clarendon: 1966, Pp. xviii, 433. Rev: Hist 52, 328^ im Gweneth Whitteridge* ed., The Anatomical Lectures &f William Harvey: Prelectiones Anatomie Urdvtrsalis De Musadis. Edinburgh: Livingstone (for Royal College of Physicians): 1964. Pj>. Ixvi, 504. Rev: EHR So, 837^; Historj of Science 4,