The Seventeenth Century 201 the personal union produced when James VI succeeded Elizabeth I in England.1264 Shaw's study of the reformed church in the rest of the century helps to establish the new conviction that reform came to Scotland by stages and not like a thunderclap at the behest of Knox,1263 Lee's highly competent studies of three leading politicians offer much assistance to a better understanding of Queen Mary's reign.1286 Scotland's backward economy is well described by Lythe.1287 (C) THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY This is the century when the fate of both realms was most manifestly tied up with the fortunes of a Scottish dynasty and its Scottish policy* It is therefore sad to have virtually nothing to report. Nobbs' brief introduction at least brings out the problems to which research ought to be attending.128S Mathew's social history is superficial.1269 Trevor-Roper's long article, on the other hand, which could profitably have be- come a book, offers many striking insights into the society and the affairs of a country much torn by tradition and religion at a time of deepest humiliation.1870 Two works assist !*«* Gordon Donaldson, 'Foundations of Anglo-Scottish Union*, Neale Ft (n. 125), 282-314. lies Duncan Shaw, The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: St Andrew Press: 1964. Pp. xii, 261. i««« Maurice Lee, James Steward, Earl of Moray: a political study of the Reformation in Scotland. New York: Columbia UP: 1953. Pp, xi, 320. Rev: AHR 59, losf. -Idem, JoknMaitfandofTkirlesfancand the Foundations of Stuart Despotism m Scotland, Prineetoi* UP: 1959. Pp. xii, 314. Rev: EHR 76, 1478! - Idem, 'The fall of the regent Morton: a problem in satellite diplomacy', JMH 28 (1956), 111-29. «67 S. G, E. Lythe, The Economy of Scotland m its Etanpean Setting, 1550-1625. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd: 1960. Pp. viii, 277. Rev: EHR 77, I52f. i**8 Douglas Nobbs, England and Scotland, 1360 -1707. L: HutcMmoo: 1952. Pp. xxi, 173. «* David Mathew, Scotland under Charles /. L: Eyre & Spottiswoock: 1955- ?P- xiv, 320. lt7* Hugh R. Trevor-Roper, 'Scotland and the Puritan Revolution*, Ogg Ft (n. 129), 78-130.