388 Modern Islam in India Congress, Indian National: Part I: 16, 17, 18, 21, 22,23, 27, 60,145, 147,156,158,166,168, 174. Part II: passim. Notes: 356, 360,361 Congress-League Unity: see Hindu- Muslim Unity, Congress Socialist Party: 247 Constantine: 125 Constantinople: 55 Cordoba: 62,131 Cow Protection Society: 200 Cripps Mission (1942): 252, 292, 316 Crusade (s): 64, 65,137 Gumming, Sir John: 355 Curzon, Lord: 200 Czechoslovakia: 209 Dacca: 284 Dalton Plan: 150 DaT, Bashlr Ahmad: 353, 354 dar al harb : 234 ddr al Islam: 6 Dar al Musannifin, Azamgarh: 41, 64 Dar al *uZum, Deoband: 320 £., 323. See also Deoband Davenport: 98 Davies, E. Salter:352 'Day of Deliverance* (Muslim League, 1939): 296,303 Dayanand: 200 Definition of Terms: 333-339 Deism: 75-77 Delhi: 5,7, 34, 37, 105,147,148,151, 168, 192, 227, 238, 245, 268,- 281, 347,356, 357, 359, 362 Delhi College: 36 Democracy: 33, 50, 53, 65,125,133, 156,169, 170, 171, 176, 218. 223f 225,279, 289,300,338 Deoband: 147, 243, 246, 319,320i, 323 Depression: World Economic De- pression of 1929 ff.: 89, 97, 166, 241 Desa'i, Mahadev: 356, 357 deva nagarl script: 297 Dialectics: 95, 99,110 Dictatorship, Dictator(s): 115, 130 f., 169 Dihlawi, Shah Wall AllSh : 37, 244, 320 din al fitrah : 76. See also Natural- ism:" 75-77, 104,176,177, 178 Divorce: 25 Draper: 98 Dualism: 32, 120-123, 128, 136, 142 Durrani, F. K. Khan : 134-137, 349, 350, 352 Dutt, R. Palme: 355 Dynamism: 50,109 ff., 153,158,162, 164,169,173,261,272 £ East India Company: 1 Eastern Roman Empire: 55 Eastern Times (Lahore) : 301,359,360 Egypt: 7, 39, 56,100,194,303,324 Egyptian (s): 319 Einstein, Albert: 163 Ellenborough, Lord: 355 Elphinstone, Monstuart: 355 Eminent Mussalmans: 345, 346, 356, 358 English language and literature: 6, 11,12,20, 24,28,31,34, 39,57, 65. 79, 98, 107 f., 115, 149, 150, 176, 193,197, 227, 231, 245, 284, 296, 304, 322, 333 f., 341, 347, 356, 358 Englishman (Calcutta): 346 Erode: 232 Essays on the Life of Mohammed: 12,25 Evolution: 52 f., 76, 94, 95,109*111, 119,120,160,179,336 alFarabi:323 FaraTttf: 188 Farangi Mahall, Lucknow; 319,