FOREWORD A SUCCESSFUL paper mill must be dynamic and not static; hence the need for a periodic revision of any standard work like Modem I\tper-A hiking. After reading this fascinating and exhaustive work the inclination is, like Oliver Twist, to ask for more. We could wish that such experts on mill practice could have J'otmd space for a chapter on Labour and Management to help us to solve the many problems which will arise after the present War is oven Our industry will then have to find room for those who have been serving in the Forces. When the tost War ended in 1918 the majority of mills were able to solve the problem by changing from a two-shift system to three shifts. Are we prepared to be courageous and change over to a four-shift system and work over the weeks-ends as som^ industries do .now? If we do then we shall need more Assistant Managers amf extnf' Foremen, and for those who aspire to these positions this book should prove invaluable, SYDNEY D. WfirntHKAI)