PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION THIS second edition, ki a revised form, was thought necessary on account o; the very great: demand For the hook from students ami paper-makers dunm' the last; few years, hy which time the first edition was out of print, Unfortunately, however, when the work was nearly completed, the wai intervened and caused unending delays and many ilifhenltics. Modem l\ipcr-hhiking has practically been re-written in the light <>( fresli experience and new methods which have been adopted during tin* last ten years, and assistance has been sought from acknowledged experts in the various fields covered. "We are indebted to Dr. Bates for the chapter on Wood Pulp, and also to Mr. (5. II Underbuy for the very excellent chapter on the Manufacture of Newsprint, Our thanks are also due to the many manufacturers of papei- making machinery and others for the loan of blocks for the illustrations, and to Mr. A, Hugh Rutt for the section dealing with paper conditioning. We should also like to express our thanks to Mr, Potts for his photograph of the Suction ("ouch Roll, and to Mr, Hinns for great help with the chapter on the Testing of Paper. We are also indebted to Kenneth Ross for his very painstaking assistance with the correcting of the proofs, and to Mr, A, B. Olligan for drawings and diagrams. II. ft, <'I At'WKTON GwiKNMKU), WIM JAM HliNtWUSON YOttKSHUUi, ApriL 1941 PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION OWING to the great demand lor this hook it has been necessary to icprnit it, During the time which has elapsed between 1941 and 194'* there has not been sufficient change in paper-making practice in general to warrant re-writing flu: book. It is, therefore, presented again in almost the same form, am! it is hoped that it will fill the want, which has frequently been expressed* tor copies of the book to become available, both in thin country and abroad. It, II* CJIAWKUTON GRBBNHHLD, • WU.UAM YORKSHIRE . *947 •• ' • .