22 MODERN PAPER-MAKING catchers' on the breakers to deal with them, and although these are in many cases quite efficient, they cannot catch everything. If there is serious trouble in the mill from metal or rubber in the paper, the rag loft is the root of the evil—it must be tackled there. Skilful super- vision and, above all, great tact are required in the management of the rag loft if the best results are to be obtained. It is usual for the overhaulers to be paid piece rates for sorting the rags, the rates varying according to whether the rags are fines, seconds, canvas or [Masson, Scott & Co., Ltd. FIG. 3.—LATEST TYPE GIANT HEAVY RAG CHOPPER new cuttings, etc. After the rags have been overhauled, they are either bagged up or stored in bins until required, and they are then overlooked again by other women—paid daily wages—whose duty it is to run the rags through and pick out anything in the way of contraries or buttons and rubber which may have been missed by the sorters. The rag loft should be light and airy, and the women should have comfort- able .and convenient tables to work at, and they should also have a proper arrangement of boxes or bags into which the separate grades may be sorted. They should also be provided with boxes for rubber, buttons and contraries. It is usual to pay the sorters extra for all the rubber and buttons which they pick out, and these are weighed separately for each woman periodically and paid for at an agreed rate.