26 MODERN PAPER-MAKING "When lime is used instead of caustic soda or soda ash, there is the risk of the formation of insoluble compounds, and the rags are often hardened; never- theless, in some mills where the washing water is very soft, the addition of lime seems to be absolutely imperative, otherwise it is impossible to get rid of all the grease, and it is found coating the sides of the breaker. In other mills where the water is very hard the use of caustic soda together with soda ash gives the best results in "practice. Below is a table of the amounts of caustic soda and alkali used on various qualities of rags where the pressure employed was 25 Ib. per square inch. The amounts were arrived at after long and careful trials, but of course they were not always strictly adhered to; the quality of the rags in each boil was always taken into account, and slight alterations were made both in the quantities of alkali and the number of hours of boiling. No more water than is necessary to prevent the rags being 'burned' should be used, as the more concentrated the alkali solution the more economical will the boiling be. BOOING DETAILS FOB A I-TON BOILER DEALING WITH RAGS FOR THE HIGHEST GRADES OF WRITING PAPERS • (Pressure 25 Ib. per square inch. Hot water washed) Caustic Soda Soda Ash Hours of Boil (Lb.) (Li.) Fines, ordinary............ 4-5 25 28 Muslins, clean............ 4 — 28 „ soiled ., .......... 5 — 56 New unbleached calico ('greys') ...... 5 25 — New white cuttings (second quality) .. ,. 3-4 — 12 New lace cuttings .......... 4 — 12 Seconds, dirty white (outshots) ...... 6 50 28 1 „ light .......... 8 100 56 „ low quality ........ 8 125 56 Old light prints, good.......... 7 100 28 „ low.......... 8 125 56 Cotton canvas............ 10 125 56 Linen canvas............ 10 250-300 112 French linens........ ,. .. 8 250 112 Cords, light............ 10 125 56 Ticking, linings, etc........... 10 150 56 Cotton healds .......... 6 50 — White cotton tents.......... 7 100 28 Hlter-dotks *. ., ........ 8 100-200 56-112 Old white linens .,....*... 6 75 56 When the boil is complete the boiler is blown off, and the dirty water con- taining the dissolved grease, etc., is run away to the sewer or other convenient place, unless the soda is to be recovered. The boiler is then filled up with hot