WOOD PULP for spruce type of fibre. Closely parallel, especially for chemical pulps, are eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis] and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), very low in pitch, which is the main wood for the new industry on the west coast. Pine has been taking a larger place by reason of its suitability for the alkaline sulphate process, which dissolves the higher content of resins. 'Redwood5 [Nokia AktMlag FIG. 12.—-FLOATING LOGS DOWN FROM THE FORBST (Pinus sylvestris) in Northern Europe and jack pine (Pinus banksiana] in America are so much like spruce in fibre characteristics that they are now the usual raw material for the best grades of kraft pulp. The southern pines, long leaf (Pinus pdustris), slash (Pinus caribaea), loblolly (Pinus toeda), and short leaf (Pinus echinata), with coarser fibres and more difference between springwood and sununerwood, have become very important for liner board and medium-grade papers.