I92 MODERN PAPER-MAKING a few turns, or, passing the board in hard rolls, spoil the wire. Brushes or strips of old jacket are sometimes fixed in front of the guard board to loosen these and allow the water to wash them away. A very good combination is a swinging board and a rubber-covered squeeze roll just after the couch roll clears the board. Then the board may be used as a light cleaning agent and the roll will take the water out of the cover before it touches the paper, far more eifectively than a board can. With this arrange- ment higher speeds and more output can be obtained, without the necessity of increasing couch-roll weight. fta 70.—-MnxsPAUGH SUCTION Rou, SHOWING SPRINGS FOR HOLDING Box UP TO SHELL AND ADJUSTING SCEEWS Suction Couch Ro/k—The suction couch roll (Kg. 69) has now almost super- seded the couch press, and although some people still use the press method of o>uching7 it seems that the suction roll will soon be universally employed. Tbe suction roll has many advantages over the plain couch, the chief of wiidb. is thai there is no top roll and no jacket. The eliminating of jackets saves a gpeat deal of time, and a great deal of spoilt paper, because jackets always ga?e some trouble whea starting up new, and further trouble when becoming worn. Hie dfobtttfoii of the top roll has entirely done away with crushing of wet sttiC and tjbe damage done to the wire by the pressure of the nip, due to lumps of staff OT foreign matter, has entirely disappeared.