196 MODERN PAPER-MAKING The Dual Press (Figs. 74 and 75), which is now being taken up in this country, has actually been in use for some years in America. It consists of three press rolls, two of which may be suction rolls, with a plain roll in between, as clearly shown in the photograph and drawing. There is a great saving in space with this arrangement, but there are also many other advantages claimed by those who are using this design. The pressure is applied laterally by levers, instead of vertically, and much greater felt life is being obtained. ftc. 74.—Duax PKBSS ARRANGEMENT, SHOWING ONE SUCTION ROLL AND Two PLAIN ROLLS ARRANGED TOGETHER The third roll can be arranged for suction if necessary [Wdmsleys A doctor blade should be made to move from side to side by traversing gear; the purpose of this is to prevent pencilling or scoring of the roll by any partkle of grit becoming embedded between the doctor blade and die roll The doctor is hung on pivots to enable it to be cleaned and refitted. Tlae felts' are pure wool fabrics and may be obtained from the makers in many degrees of fineness and quality. Nevertheless, it is sometimes very difficult to find a kind that is bodh efficient and economical to run, owing to