228 MODERN PAPER-MAKING clearly water-marked paper can be made. The best situation for the steam- pipe is in the top-level water box. A stronger paper may be made from heated stuff than from the same stuff run cold. The Dandy Roll and its Use,—The body of a dandy roll is a brass tube on [Green, Son and IVaite FIG. 93 .-LAID ROLL, ORDINARY JOURNAL TYPE which are fixed a number of brass discs and a framework of cross-wires. A cylinder of wire cloth similar in mesh to a machine wire is pulled over the body and fixed at the ends. This is called a 'wove' roll (Fig. 92). The centre tube is extended as spindles, which ran in the bushes of adjustable [Green, Son and Waite FIG. 94.—WOVB DANDY R.OLL, HOLLOW TYPE brackets fixed at eadb side of the machine, between the first and second sucdon boxes or in a position forad most suitable. A laid' roll (Fig. 93), instead of having a woven cover, has one made from parallel wires. These are kept apart and m position by twisted wires round the circumference, from } to