238 MODERN PAPER-MAKING the cross direction, the devices will have to be spaced out further across the roll than they are to be in the finished sheet. These variations must therefore be allowed for when ordering a roll for any particular size of paper. The variations remain fairly constant for each machine, but depend, of course, upon WG.S4/4 WGS&W WGS&.W WGS&W WG&&W WGS&W [Green, Son and IVaite FIG. 98.—SHOWING HOW THE WATER-MARK FALLS INT A LAKGE POST Svo WGREEMSON&WAITE WGREEHSOH&WArTE WGREEKSON&WAITE RG, 99.—POSITION OF WATH-MABK IN BROAD QUARTO SHEET tie Mraws' from the coudb roll and presses, the heat of the first set of drying cyfawkrs, and also on the nature of the stuff. A nfl for water-marking a sheet of Large Post, made i6| inches aaoss the i^ will have to be about 20f or 2O| inches in ciromiference and the