BOARD MACHINES 249 Each chest requires a separate stuff pump, and where stocks of diiferent colours are being used, separate back-water pumps and tanks are needed to pump back and store the water from the vats for the beaters or mixing boxes. From the foregoing it will be gathered that the wet end of a multi-vat machine is a somewhat complicated and costly affair. FIG. 104.— VATS AND COUCH Rons OP A MUITIKJ&-VAT BOABD MACHWE To take the case of a four-vat machine: The vats are arranged close together, and in rotation, the first one to deliver its web of stuff to the wet felt being che one nearest the presses, and so on in a reverse direction towards die strainers. When the fourth web has been picked up, the felt will be fairly heavily loaded, and here it turns round a roll and travels back towards die presses of tfae machine carrying the four-ply web on top and immediately above dbe vats.