262 MODERN PAPER-MAKING In some mills it has been possible to dispense with alum altogether, since it is now recognised that size is not required in newsprint. In general, however, troubles such as sticky presses are likely to arise if the stock is not kept down to a pH value of about 5. Alum solution is a very corrosive liquid and must be handled in lead-lined or other suitably protected tanks and pipe lines. The dyes used for newsprint are almost exclusively basic dyes because they are cheap, they are bright colours, they dye directly without difficulty and the fact [Wdlwkys (Bury\Ud. Re. ii i.—BREAKER AND BEATER FLOOR FOR THE PREPARATION OF STOCK FOR Two MODERN NEWSPRINT MACHINES that they are fugitive is of no consequence. In modern mills they are dissolved in bulk, and added to the stock at die proportioned This is a clean and con- venk&t method of dyeing, as the beater floor is kept completely free from dyes, and dhades caa be more quickly and easily controlled the nearer they are added ftp tbc naftrtitni* itself. , x of Stock— The preparation treatment of baled pulp fcr B^kkg aewsgcgit stock consists essentially in breaking up the laps aad then sfategWteg dbe fibres so dbat they are finally all separated! from one another ,»iBiifocm suspeasioa reaidy to flow on to die wke of the paper machine.