NEWSPRINT 267 taper to give the required larger clearance between the gkss tube and the cone. Rotameters are obtainable already calibrated over the range of flow-rate desired. From the proportioner, then, the stock is complete with colour, loading and alum, and after further refining it is ready for the machine. In dealing with the correct furnishing and preparation of the stock for making newsprint, stress must be kid on the importance of selecting pulps which are suitable for the purpose, and on the need for keeping out of the system foreign material likely to affect adversely the quality of the sheet, or cause breaks on the paper machine. Methods of evaluating pulp quality have advanced very considerably during die past few years, and in modem newsprint mills the testing of the quality of shipments is an im- portant part of laboratory control work. The tests made include freeness determinations, the estimation of shive content and the preparation and examination of laboratory sheets. Detailed information about methods of this kind is avail- able in the technical literature and in the reports of committees which have made a special study of the subject The precautions taken to prevent foreign matter getting into the paper consist firstly in keeping a careful control of the cleanliness and general con- dition of all pulp used; this is usually done when the pulp is first received at the mill and is tested for moisture content. Secondly, coarse grids are fitted at various points in the pipe lines, in boxes which may be isokted and cleaned out periodically without interrupting production. The final point for holding back unwanted material is at the strainers through which the stock passes immedi- ately before flowing to the breast box, Strainers and Slice.—The finally prepared stock, regulated to a uniform consistency of 2\ to 3 per cent, and containing dyes, alum, and loading, is pumped to a head box, from which the required quantity of stock flows through the stuff valve to be mixed at the mixing pump with dbe back-water recovered from the wire pit It is important to have a pressure of stock behind the stuff valve, as this is the valve that is FIG. 113.—THE ROTOSPRAY FOR CLEAN- ING CLAY AND OTHER LOADINGS AND COLOURS. THKALSOHAS AHOMOCEN- EER FOR SEPARATING THE PARTICLES AND GIVING AN EVEN HOW Of CLEAN SLURRY