280 MODERN PAPER-MAKING decreasing, still more, the proportion of chemical pulp in the furnish. This effect will be materially aided by further studies of groundwood production with a view to producing qualities better suited to high-speed operation, and at the same time giving paper of adequate strength and good printing qualities. The processing of stock, in general, may in the future derive benefit from the [Edward Lloyd, Ltd., and Walmskys (Bury), Ltd. FIG. 124.—THE WORLD'S LARGEST SUPER-CALENDER The approximate total weight is 250 tons; the bottom roll alone, which is 36 inches in diameter by 26 feet (face), weighs 44 tons. There are ten rolls in the stack, five of them being wool-paper ones. The maximum specified speed is 2300 feet per minute application of modern preparation plant, such, for example, as the Sutherland refiner, which is very economical in power consumption. Finally, although this chapter has been concerned primarily with the news- print industry in this country, some reference must be made to the recently announced commercial production of newsprint from Southern Pine. This is a project that has long been under consideration, but difficulties due to the