CHAPTER XI BIRTHDAY LETTER TO SUSIE OF ARIZONA San Antonio^ Texas. " One of the questions you asked during our talk in the hotel lobby—for you must know, Susie, there was a touch of the interviewing reporter in the way you went on—was this: * How do the young people in America compare with the young people in England ?* That question had been previously fired at me in eight cities by as many reporters, some of them bright young women about your age, " Well, my acquaintance with the young people of America, and with you and Elmer especially, has confirmed a conviction which began among the young people in England* In both countries they are the victims of abominable misrepresen- tation, and the wonder to my mind is that they have refrained so long from rising en masse and making a short end of their traducers. They are currently reported to be in a state of * moral chaos,* without standards of right and wrong, and generally inclined to become disciples of the Devil and the Scarlet Woman . To judge by the version of youth given in popular novels and the picture 122