CHAPTER XIII STANDARDIZATION " Go call a coach and let a coach be called, And let the man who calleth be the caller, And in his calling let him nothing call But Coach I Coach! Coach!" St. Louis, Missouri. LAST night I had a long discussion, with a gentle- man of weight and consideration in this city, on standardization as an outstanding feature of American life. He took a rather melancholy view of it. It was one of many conversations I have had on the same topic, and mostly in the melancholy vein, with thoughtful people all over the country, I have also read much invective against it in books written both by Americans and foreigners, but without being convinced either by the conversations or the books that it constitutes, as so many of them maintain, a new curse imposed on the country in addition to that pronounced in the Garden of Eden* Standardi- zation is indeed a favourite theme of domestic critics with a turn for pessimism (a numerous class in America) while foreign observers are apt to cite it as " the first thing that strikes them/5