176 MY AMERICAN FRIENDS as visible as their living to what different con- clusions should we all come! Placed in the dark perspective of that night-view, how much that we think and say about " modern life/' American or other, would suddenly change from true to false! But here a distinction must be made. Along with the tendency of the dark side to hide itself in an " underworld/' and so make itself darker, there is among men an effort to bring it to light and to pass their time in contemplating it. If the bright side shows more plainly in the streets and public-places, the dark side figures more largely in the news. The killing of men is no longer a public spectacle, as it was in the gladiatorial shows, but a sensational murder adds tens of thousands to the circulation of the newspapers. As I sit in my armchair in this hotel reading an account of the latest gang fight in the under- world, am I not passing my time in much the same way as the Roman of old who sat in the amphitheatre and watched the blood flow in the arena ? I like to think not. I like to think that I read such things by way of provoking myself to oppose them, by way of rousing my moral forces to make head against the evil in the world. But is that true ? I am not so sure. And so with the news in general. Is the news that I read in the Chicago Tribune to-day truly and fairly representative of what went on in Chicago, or in the world, yesterday ?