196 : MY AMERICAN FRIENDS human bodies sunbathing on the beaches, and behind them cars, hardly less numerous, parked in mile-long rows. And now the Director of Music gets to work. In an aside he informs me that" these people must be made to laugh before you can make them sing." So he has his string of stories ready, a story to introduce every song. One story, which I don't quite understand, refers to ourselves, " two English visitors; " but the jolly crowd understands and roars with laughter on hearing it; we are then bidden to step to the front of the platform and show ourselves; which we do, and are greeted with thundering cheers. The singing follows in a hurricane, vigorously conducted by the skilful Director who, on the singing going fiat for a moment, instantly stops it, fires a joke at the repentant singers, and sets them off again fortissimo; some of the songs religious (as befits a Sunday afternoon), none vulgar, and " Drink to me only with thine eyes " clearly the favourite. Then, as an interlude, we have " the Harmonica Orchestra," or concert on the mouth organ. From remarks the Director lets fall to me in asides, I think he regards this as his masterpiece; the performers are rescued hooligans, for our Director, man of many jokes as he is, has great ideals and takes his life work very seriously, as the best jokers always do. The mouth organs play melodiously and we find ourselves a little emotionalized as we listen; but the Director