"-THE SUNSHINE CITY" ' 197 explains that this is only his second be^: team and that he has one hooligan, absent to-day, who can bring the tears to your eyes, as the playing of his second best team almost does with me. We end up with universal hilarity and hand- shakings with as many of the 4,000 as we can reach from the platform. Next day the Director of Recreation, partner in good works with the Director of Music, takes me in hand and proceeds to show me the work of his life. Here are scores of acres (I forget how many) of land once waste, which our Director, expert in " cutting and filling" and the balance thereof, has retrieved from the wilder- ness and turned into the beautiful playing ground we see before us, lustrous and palm shaded; and yonder are scores of acres more still waste —in a few years our man of fire and electricity will have them, too! As we approach the place —Lake Mirror Park is the fitting name of it—he explains how a Recreation Engineer goes to work. You give him fifty acres of waste land —or any sort of land you like—you send him a big bunch of serviceable unemployed to do the digging and levelling, and by this time next year, thanks to his cutting and filling *' tech- nique," your fifty waste acres shall be a paradise. And here we are at the " Old Folks* " part of it, " See that bunch of old fellows playing baseball ? Well, that's the Three Quarter Century Club of St. Petersburg. Heard of the Century Club in