216 MY AMERICAN FRIENDS produce *the good works to correspond, the accomplishment you have underlined. Did we not see with our own eyes some of them already begun and well advanced—wide and pleasant areas in the illimitable outskirts, such as a thousand-year city may not dream of possessing, in process of conversion, under the technique you recommend, into playgrounds for the body and gardens for the soul; municipal golf courses, we forget how many, and the newly-created Zoological Parks where an elephant, a camel, a tiger and a pair of buffaloes, sullen but acquiescent, have already arrived, the vanguard of a complete Noah's Ark procession now on order. Not so bad for a city 43 years old! Judge nothing in America by the point at which it has arrived. Judge all things by the direction in which they are moving. In confirmation of which important principle, the following table of expenditures on organized recreation by " the more progressive cities of the class of Oklahoma City " will be found to have some value, as well as an interest of its own. Expenditures for Organised Recreation Name of City Population alone (1930) Ft. Worth, Texas ... 160,892 $79>987-53 Youngstown, O. ... 170,004 $145,270.16 Hartford, Conn. ... 163,818 $64,850.00