MY WAR MEMORIES, 1914-1918. MY THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS I THE coup de main at Liege was the first of the series of German victories. The decision was a bold one, and its execution extremely daring. The campaigns of 1914, 1915 and the summer of 1916 in the East were tremendous achievements, equal to the greatest military feats of any age. They made the highest demands on both commanders and troops. The Russians were then greatly superior in numbers to the allied German and Austro-Hungarian armies opposed to them. But, indeed, the operations which Field-Marshal von Hinden-burg and I had to conduct from the 2gth August, 1916, tne day we assumed supreme command, rank among the most formidable in history. Nothing more awe-inspiring and destructive has ever been seen on earth. Germany, inferior in numbers and with weak allies, was contending against the world. Decisions of the utmost gravity had to be taken. They were tne inevitable and logical result of the situation, our general conception of war, and the particular circumstances of this war. The armies and fleets fought as they had fought in days past, even though numbers and equipment were mightier than ever i