My War Memories, 1914-1918 had to wait and see whether our main attack would succeed or fail. Hard fighting would be the decisive factor here, We could only do everything in our power to secure the success at which we aimed. On the morning of September loth we received the decisive news that during the night the enemy had evacuated his position facing the ist R.C. north of Gerdauen—probably in consequence of the continuous attacks of the ist and 27th A,C. It was said that the corps had occupied their position, and intended to march on. The rejoicing at Headquarters can be imagined. A great success had once more been achieved, but still nothing decisive. The Russian Army was not yet beaten by any means. North-east of Lotzen we had only had local successes. It was important to carry out a frontal attack with all our strength, and throw ourselves on the receding enemy whilst the enveloping wing advanced east of Rominten Woods towards the Wir-ballen-Kovno road. In this way we intended to drive the Russians as far as possible towards the Niemen. It had also to be taken into account that Rennenkampf, who was now co-operating with the reinforcements arriving further south, would be able to make a vigorous attack in any direction. Our lines were very thin everywhere, though the two northern groups, which had hitherto been separated by Lake Mauer, had joined up again. The situation was still extremely critical, and the tension was great. The troops had a fresh task before them. Keeping in close touch with each other, they had to pursue the enemy unceasingly by forced marches, and attack him whenever he made a stand. At the same time they had to wait for the co-operation of neighbouring columns before making local enveloping movements, so as to minimize losses. The I7th A.C., and more particularly the ist A.C. on the extreme right, and the ist and 8th Cavalry Divisions had to strike again and again. The marching orders for the different sections, beginning at the left, were roughly as follows : Konigsberg Main Reserve : Konigsberg—Tilsit. 64