THE CHAMBERLAIN CITY 63 The result was that the position built up by Joseph Chamberlain was maintained and extended by his kinsmen, who were to be found in many of the most responsible positions in the City. It followed that there was no profound need for pessimism in the case of a young Chamberlain, not quite thirty years of age, returning to Birmingham in quest of the commercial future which the Bahamas had denied him. Neville Chamberlain was especially fortunate in that his uncle Arthur Chamberlain had not followed his brother's example in deserting business for politics, and was at the time of his nephew's return one of the leading members of the business community in Birmingham. So it was that there was no great difficulty in launching the young man, who was experienced in administration though unversed in success, upon his new business career. In business Neville Chamberlain was associated with three concerns. There was Elliot's Metal Com- pany; there was the famous Birmingham Small Arms Company; and thirdly there was the business acquired from Messrs. Hoskins and Son of manu- facturing metal berths for ships. Into his work in these three concerns Neville Chamberlain threw himself with an eagerness in which his natural conscientiousness was reinforced by the resolution that this time with a fair start he would show his worth not only by the quality of his efforts, but by crowning them with success. His long sojourn on Andros Island had had the effect of strengthening his natural qualities. The tenacity and thorough- ness which were his by nature had been subjected to an exacting test in the losing battle which he had fought during the sisal experiment. It was inevitable that such qualities would either be crushed or strengthened. In fact they were proved and tempered by the test through which