22 THESES ONE MAN IS THE ARCHETYPE OF SOCIETY, CO-OPERATIVE SOCIAL relationships contribute to develop individual potenti- alities. But the development of the individual is the measure of social progress, Collectivity presupposes the existence of individuals. Except as the sum total of freedom and well-being, actually enjoyed by individuals, social liberation and progress are imaginary ideals, which are never attained. Well-being, if it is actual, is enjoyed by individuals. It is wrong to ascribe a collec- tive ego to anv form of human community (viz,, nation, class, etc.), as that practice means sacrifice of the indivi- dual. Collective well-being is a function of the well- being of individuals. Two QUEST FOR FREEDOM AND SEARCH FOR TRUTH CONSTITUTE the basic urge of human progress. The quest for free- dom is the continuation, on a higher level—of intelli- gence and emotion—of the biological struggle for exist- ence. The search for truth is a corollary thereof. Increasing knowledge of nature enables man to be pro- gressively free from the tyranny of natural phenomena, and physical and social environments. Truth is the con- tent of knowledge. THREE THE PURPOSE OF ALL RATIONS HUMAN ENBEAVOUR, INDI- vidual as well as collective, is attainment of freedom, in