SOON OUR FRIENDS PERISH 53 And my heart springs up anew, Bright and confident and true, And my old love comes to meet me in the dawning and the dew, LOVE, WHAT IS LOVE? LOVE—what is love ? A great and aching heart; Wrung hands ; and silence ; and a long despair. Life—what is life ? Upon a moorland bare To see love coming and see love depart. SOON OUR FRIENDS PERISH SOON our friends perish, Soon all we cherish Fades as days darken—goes as flowers go. Soon in December Over an ember, Lonely we hearken, as loud winds blow. AS ONE WHO HAVING WANDERED ALL NIGHT LONG As one who having wandered all night long In a perplexed forest, comes at length In the first hours, about the matin song, And when the sun uprises in his strength,