PALESTINE'S PORT OF JAFFA We think of large, luscious oranges in connection with JafTa, here pictured, and tho place has many beautiful orange groves. It is Palestine's great seaport, and we read of it in the Bible under its old name, Joppa. To tho busy wharves heavily laden camels come with their loads of ' fruit and other produce. Tho city is built upon rising ground, but the waters of its harbour arc not sufficiently deep for very large vessels, so cargoes arc sent to them in barges. Photos; K.N.A. Here we are looking across open fertile country from the slope of Djebcl Mountain at the large town of Gaza, which is interested almost entirely in agricultural produce. Alexander tho Great knew Gaza long before the time of Christ, and it was once a city of the Philistines. We find Gaza near the coast at the south of Palestine, 172