PREFACE Messrs. New.Zealand Shipping Company, London. Shipbuilding and Shipping Record. The Sheramly Pistol Rocket Apparatus, Ltd., London, Line- Throwing Gun. Messrs. Sliding Hatch Beams ("T&B" Patents) Ltd., London. Messrs. Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd., Glasgow. Tubular Davits. Messrs. J. Stone & Co., Ltd., London. Hydraulic Watertight Bulkhead Doors. The Submarine Boat Corporation, Newark, N.J. Shipyard Illustrations. Messrs. Taylor, Pallister & Co., Ltd., Dunston-on-Tyne. The "Dunstos" Patent Eudder Brake. Messrs. WeKn & Co., London, and Messrs. Welm-Maclachlan Davits Ltd., Glasgow. Boat Davits and Gear, The Yachtiiig World. '• NOTE. Where "Board of Trade" is referred to in this book substitute ''Ministry of Transport" which is now responsible for legislation formerly administered by the Marine Department, Board of Trade.