56 NIGH DLLS's SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE . on deck as required. Bend a single gantline to the head of the topmast and lower it down on deck with it. Tidy up the gear. Derricks.—To rig derricks for discharging overside, keeping one as a standing derrick and the other as a yardarm derrick. Shackle on the guys and cargo gins, reeve ofE the runners, shackle on the_ cargo hooks. Top the derricks up into position, one over the hatch and the other guyed out to the side of the ship. If they are fitted with a chain span instead of a topping lift, you will have to rig a tackle from the masthead with which to lift them up. When you have 'got each one high enough shackle on the chain span, then by easing up the tackle let the span take the weight. See that all the guys are led away clear and set well taut to maintain both derricks in their proper positions. Figure 5 shows four 5-ton derricks with their heels mounted on a table, and a 20-ton derrick with its heel stepped into a special fitting on the deck. Note the cargo blocks, spans, falls and guys. The telescopic topmast is housed. • Questions (1) Describe the rigging on a steamship's mast, how it is secured at tiie masthead and the arrangements made for setting it up tight. (2) How is any rope parcelled and served and what is the purpose of this dressing on the rope? (3) Name the parts of a mast. (4) In what order is the rigging of a mast set up? (5) Describe how you would house a telescopic topmast. (6) How would you go about sending down a signal yard? (7) Send up a telescopic topmast. (8) Describe how a telescopic topmast could be unshipped. (9) Take out the stump of a broken telescopic topmast. (10) You are in a steamer fitted with a fitted topmast, how would you send it down on deck? (11) Describe the sending up of a fitted topmast. (12) Describe how you would go about rigging derricks, hoisting them up, and getting as much as possible done to be ready for dis- charging cargo as soon as the ship is berthed, the ship just entering the port. (13) The ship has just finished loading, stevedores' gang have left, describe how you would get everything into sea position, decks cleared up ready for getting under way.