60 NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE To set it.—Loose the sail, let go the downhaul and haul the slack o the sheet aft. Man the halyards and "swig" the sail up tight. Trin the sheet. To take it in.—Man the downhaul, and when all is ready let go the halyards. Haul the sail down, slacking the sheet away as necessary, Let go the sheet and make the sail fast. Fig 9.—Spanker. Figure 9 shows an ordinary spanker as used with a standing gaf and spanker boom. The luff is bent to a jackstay abaft the mast, and the head to rings on the gaff. The rings are generally made of galvanised iron. There is a good "throat" and "tack" lashing. It is fitted with head outhaul and downhaul, also with a foot outhatil and brails. These brails are fitted as for a steamer's trysail.