BOAT LOWERING 91 6 Your vship is at sea. How would you get away trom her and set sail in a boat? Stop the ship. Clear away the lee boat and lower her down as described in "boat lowering, etc." Pass the boatrope aft along the inboard side of the boat, and when you are all ready sheer clear of the ship and let go. Out oars and pull away. Step the mast and set the sail. If the ship was steady I should step the mast and hoist the sail before sheering away clear of her. 7. Your ship is rolling heavily How would you launch a lifeboat? Stop the ship. At the time of lowering have the ship heading up in that direction in which she will lie the steadiest. Clear the lee boat away and have the boatrope ready as in fine weather. Get the crew in and lower her down to the level of the deck. Keep her well frapped in and held by the gunwale until a favourable opportunity comes for launching. Have oil ready for spreading if required. When the ship rolls the right way let go frappings, lower away quickly and unhook the falls. Pass the ttoatrope aft along the inboard side of the ooat and give herva sheer off. Out oars and get a safe distance from the ship. Step the mast and set sail. 8 What are the length and size of the davit tackle falls? They must be long enough to lower the boat safely into the water when the ship is floating at her lightest draught. Th'e size should be 3J to 3f inches for boats not exceeding 27 feet in length, and 4 to 4£ inches for boats between 27 and 30 feet in length. 9. How would you fit new davit tackle falls? Open up a coil of new rope and thoroughfoot it well. If the ship is "flying light," reeve of! the fall and overhaul the tackle until the lower block nearly touches the water, cut the rope at a suitable length. If the ship is loaded the easiest way to get the right length is by comparison with the old falls. Should no odd falls be available, find the height of the upper blocks * above the light waterline. This will give the length (very liberanv; of one part of the fall. The tackles being three-fold purchases* *tx times this length, plus a few feet for the inboard end, will be t of the fall.