BOAT EQUIPMENT 1C safely lowered into the water with the full complement of persor and equipment on board. Buoyancy apparatus shall be constructed of copper or yellow meta of not less than IS ounces to the superficial foot. The tanks are coate( with boiled linseed oil or varnish to preserve them. Boats to hav< a capacity of not less than 125 cubic feet. 18. What type of boats are specified as Class 1? There are three different types named A, B, and C. Type A.—Open life-boats with internal buoyancy only. The buoy- ancy of a wooden boat of this type shall be provided by watertight air-cases, the total volume of which shall be at least equal to one-tenth of the cubic capacity of the boat. Type B.—Open life-boats with internal and external buoyancy. The internal buoyancy of a wooden boat of this type shall be provided by watertight air-cases, the total volume of which shall be at least equal to 7£ per cent of the cubic capacity of the boat. If the external buoyancy is of cork, its volume for a wooden boat shall be not less than thirty-three thousandths of the cubic capacity of the boat; if of any material other than cork its volume and distribution shall be such that the buoyancy and stability of the boat are not less than that of a similar boat provided with external buoyancy of cork. In the case of a metal boat of both A and B types, an addition shall be made to the cubic capacity of the airtight compartments so as to give it buoyancy equal to that of the wooden boat. Type C.—Pontoon life-boats having a well deck and fixed watertight bulwarks. The area of the well deck of a boat of this type shall be at least 30 per cent, of the total deck area. The freeboard shall be such as to provide for a reserve buoyancy of at least 35 per cent. 19. What type of boats are specified as Class 2? There are three different types named A, B, and C. Type A.—Open life-boats having the upper part of the sides collapsible. A boat of this type shall be fitted both with watertight air-cases and with external buoyancy, the volume of which for each person which the boat is able to accommodate shall be at least equal to the following amounts:— Air-cases - - - - 1*5 cubic feet. External buoyaney (if of cork) 0*2 cubic feet.