142 NICHOLLS's SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE 4 THE MARINE BAROMETER. Tbrrtcelltan vacuum- Top of column of mercury- Graduated Scats \ to which The vernier is attached — npart of Tube—*• Tube__^ bore) Screw with —^ milled head for actuating uernttr Attached Thermometer^ Bulkhead The barometer is an instrument for measuring variations in the weight or pressure of the atmosphere. The most important part of it is a glass tube containing mercury. This tube is airtight at the top and open at the bottom. It is fitted in a case with its open end immersed in a cistern also containing mercury. The pressure oi the atmosphere on the surface of the mercury in the cistern maintains the column of mercury in the tube at a height which corresponds to that pressure, Readings are obtained by means of a graduated scale and vernier. The left-hand drawing represents the glass tube taken out of its case so that the different parts of it can be seen. The other one shows the complete instrument suspended from a bulkhead by means of an arm and bracket.