TELEMOTOB STEERING GEAB 161 TELEMOTOR STEERING GEAR The apparatus consists of a steering telemotor on the bridge, a motor telemotor at the engine geared to the quadrant and two copper pipes of small diameter connecting the two gears, the whole system being charged with a special non-freezing liquid. There are two cylinders with pistons fitted at the steering end and two similar cylinders with pistons at the engine end, the pistons or rams in the'Corresponding cylinders, port and starboard, being operated by the liquid in the connecting pipes on the principle that liquids are incompressible. The piston ram aft operates the connecting rods and levers, which open and close the steam valves of the engine I-------- FILTER REPLENISHING TANK STEERING TELEMOTOR SECTION OF BODY AND CYLINDERS STEERING TELEMOTOR iVJEW OF FORWARD SIDE—• Fig 26 —Transverse Section through Steering Telemotor. Figure 25 illustrates the Mactaggart-Seott Safety Steering Telemotor. ffote:—(1) The tell-tale pointer or helm indicator at the upper sector and the two copper pipes leading down through the deck towards the motor fcelemotor. (2) The pressure gauges to indicate the liquid pressures in each pipe line* Equality of pressure is essential a»£ i& this system it