CHIPS' LIGHTS AJ&O) REGULATIONS 197 12. ART. 9. —A fishing vessel with outlying gear extending more than 150 feet, or fishing with nets or lines. The lower light is in the direction of the gear. 13. ART. 9,—A steam trawler. Tri-coloured lamp at masthead showing white sector ahead from 2 points on each bow, green to star- board from 2 points on the bow to 2 points abaft the beam, red to port from 2 points on the bow to 2 points abaft the beam, an all- round white light below the combined lantern ; (i) trawler showing port side ; (ii) trawler head on ; (iii) trawler showing starboard side. 14. ART. 9.—A sailing trawler. White all round light at mast- head and a white flare-up when close to other vessels. Vessels fishing with dredge nets show the same lights as trawlers. A fishing vessel with gear foul of an obstruction, on the bottom becomes a vessel at anchor for the time being. i The anchor lights for a fishing vessel are the same as for other vessels. 15. ART. 9.—A fishing vessel by day showing a ball or basket at the masthead when fishing A fishing vessel in fog gives in quick succession—Sail, sound fog horn and bell; Steam, sound whistle and bell. 16. ART. 10.—Vessel's white stern light showing from right aft to 2 points abaft the beam on either side. 16. ART. 11.—A vessel less than 150 feet at anchor. IT. ART. 11.—A vessel over 150 feet at anchor, the higher light is forward, the lower one at the stern. ARTS. 18 and 19.—A vessel aground in or near a fairway or channel (18) over 150 feet; (19) less than 150 feet. A single white light, what may it be ? (i) A,, vessel's stern light (ii) An anchor light, (iii) Steamer's masthead light (iv) Sailing trawler's masthead light (v) Sailing pilot vessel's masthead light, (vi) Any small craft, (vii) A distant shore light. Two white lights vertical, what may they be ? (i) A vessel at anchor end on. (ii) A steamer's 2 masthead lights end on. (ii) A tug boat's masthead lights, (iv) A vessel fishing /frith nets or lines, end on. (v) A steam trawler end on.