200 NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE 16. When is a steamer engaged in towing required to carry three mast- head lights? When towing more than one vessel if the length of the tow, measured from the stern of the tug to the stern of the last vessel towed, exceeds 600 feet. 17 What lights are pilot vessels required to carry when on pilotage duty? A white light at the masthead visible all round for 3 miles, and a flare-up light at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes; also they must have the side-lights ready for use on nearing any other vessel, and show them at short intervals on their respective sides to indicate the direction in which they are heading. 18. What are the special lights for steam pilot vessels on duty? In addition to the white masthead light required for all pilot vessels they must show a red light 8 feet below it, visible 3 miles all round the horizon, whether at anchor or not. Also, when not at anchor, in addition to the above red and white lights, the side-lights must be carried. 19. Are these lights for steam pilot vessels to be used in British waters only, or are they International? They are for the use of all nations. 20. Describe the lights and the day signals that vessels employed in laying or picking up a telegraph cable are required to carry. At night: They must carry in the same position as a steamer's masthead light, and if a steamer, in place of that light, three lights in a vertical line not less than 6 feet apart; the highest and lowest of these lights shall be red, and the middle light white, and each of them must be visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least 2 miles. The side-lights must also be earned if making headway. By day: They must carry in a vertical line where they can best be seen, and not less than 6 feet apart, three shapes at least 2 feet in diameter, of which thetop and bottom must be globular and red, and the middle one diamond in shape and white. 21. Describe the lights and the day signals for a vessel not tinder command. At night: They must carry where they can best be seen, at the same height as a steamer's masthead light, and if a steamer, in lieu of that light, two red lights in a vertical line not less than 6 feet apart, and visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least 2 miles. The side-lights must also be carried if making headway.