STUBBING AND SAILING BULKS 8. Is there any exception to this rule? No. For Article 24 says, Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, every vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the overtaken vessel." 9. Are you required to depart from the Steering and Sailing Rules in any particular case? Yes, But only when special circumstances render a departure necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. (Art. 27.) 10 You are in a steamer and you see two other steam vessels, one on your port bow, the other on your starboard bow, and both are approaching so as to involve risk of collision; what would you do? I should keep out of the way of the one on my starboard side; the other vessel has to keep out of my way. (Art. 19.) 11. But would you not then be departing from the Rule which requires* you to keep your course and speed for the one on your port bow? Yes; but I should consider this a special case in which, by Article 27, I was required to depart from that Rule in order to avoid collisioD with the one on the starboard bow. 12. "When a steam vessel takes any course authorised or required by the Regulations, must she indicate that course to the other vessel or vessels? Yes (Art. 28), but only when the vessels are in sight of each other. 13. How must she indicate what course she is taking? By signals on the whistle or siren. 1 short blast means—"1 am directing my course to starboard." 2 short blasts mean—**I am directing my course to port." 3 short blasts mean—"My engines are going full speed astern.'* 14. Has a steamer towing another vessel any right of way not usually allowed to other vessels? No. She must follow t&e ordinary Rule of the Road for steamers. 15. In what waters or seas are vessels required to follow the Regulations? Upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels, but nothing in the Rules shall interfere with the operation of a special rale duly made by local authority relative to the navigation of any harbota, river, or inland waters. Preliminary to Articles.)