HOW is SUE HEADING! 227 Exercise II. 1. (i) E.SE. to S.W. nearly, (ii) South to W.N.W. nearly, (iii) West to N.N.E. nearly, (iv) N.E. by N. to S.E. by S. nearly. 2. (i) N.W. to S.S.W. nearly, (ii) E. to N.N.W. nearly, (iii) South to E.N.E nearly, (iv) West to S.S.E. nearly. 3. N.E. to S.S.E. 4. S.W. by S, to N.W. by N. 5. S.S.W. to E. 6. S.E. by E. to N. by E. Exercise III. 1. W.N.W. to N.E. Free to port, wind aft or free to starboard. 2. W.S.W. to South. Free to starboard. 3. S.W. to W.S.W. Close-hauled to port. 4. E.N.E. Closed-hauled to port. 5. E.N.E. to N.N.E. Close-hauled to starboard or slightly free to starboard. 6. South to E.N.E. Free to port, wind aft or free to starboard. 7. E.N.E. to E.S.E. She may have the wind from 2 points before the starboard beam to 2 points abaft the beam. 8. E.N.E. Close-hauled to starboard. 9. E.N.E. to E.S.E. She could have the wind from 2 points abaft her port beam to 2 points before her beam. 10. E.S.E. Close-hauled to port. 11. E.S.E. to S.S.W. Free to starboard or close-hauled to star- board. 12. E.S.E. dose-hauled to starboard. 13. E.N.E* to N. Free or close-hauled to starboard.