STRESS OJW SPANS 269 of the water and the shape of the hull are two factors also operating on the boat, and the object of yacht designers is to build a boat that will respond fully to the forward component AC and resist the side component AD. Cargo Spans.—The tension on the pendants of a span between two masts can be readily arrived at by constructing an appropriate parallelo- gram of forces The illustration shows the usual school apparatus for demonstrating the principle. The arrangement of pulleys and 'weights Fig 12 —Balanced Forces. is obvious. . A bight of cord has been led over two pulleys and a weight slung in the centre of it. The weight happens to be 2i Ibs,, and it is balanced in equilibrium by a 2-lb. weight at the end of the cord leading over the left hand pulley and a 1-lb. weight at the end of the cord over the right hand pulley, thus indicating that the tension on the left hand cord is 2 Ibs. and on the right hand cord 1 lb.5 the respective pendants making angles of 22 degrees and 53 degrees with the vertical. By increasing or decreasing the weights relatively to each other the