280 NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP MXT) NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE (3) With centre D and radius 2 tons descnbe an aro cutting JSP at F. Join DF and produce DF to A so that DA=6 feet Draw CM perpendicular to DG and produce it to B, so that CB=CA AB \^ the distance between the shackles, viz , 7-9 feet Fig 22. Calculation. — In to tangle DEF. Given DF=2 tons, DE=*l-5 tons, A scc 6=^=^=1*333 .-.6=11° 25' /n trian/jte ZX4C. D^=6 ft., ^ 6=41° 25'. Z.C=90°. Find AG AC=AD sin 0=6 sin 41° 25'=6x '662 =3-972. -4^=2 ^0=2x3-972=7 -944 ft. Distance between shackles A and 5=7 -94-1 ft. .--A square cargo tray 4'x4', slung by four corner legs each leg 7 feet long and meeting in a ring at the top, supports a weight of 20 cwt. Find the tension on each leg of the sling. C0ns*rod«w..-Make a preliminary sketch to illustrate the question as in fig. 25. Assuming the load to be evenly distributed on the tray so that its centre of gravity acts downwards at 0, the middle of the tray, then each leg of the sling will do the same amount of work. Consider one pair of diagonal legs, DA and DBt to be doing aJI the work and