SHIP HANDLING 295 4. How does a steamer cant when her engines are started ahead or astern—no wind or tide? Assuming that she has a right-handed propeller: when going ahead, her stern will cant to starboard and her head to port. When going astern her stern will cant' to port and her head to starboard. This turning effect is caused by the transverse thrust of the propeller. It is greatest when the engines are first started, diminishing as the vessel gathers way, but is not entirely lost. 5. How would you turn a steamer short round? Rudder for starboard swing and put the engines full speed ahead. As she gathers headway, full speed astern, and rudder amidships. Carry on in this way until she is round. 6 Is the propeller in a single screw steamer right-handed or left-handed? Generally right-handed. I should always assume it to be so unless the examiner distinctly mentioned a left-handed one. 7. A man falls overboard; what \sould you do? Stop the engines, throw him a life-buoy, put the rudder hard over to the side from which he fell, hand aloft to watch him Start up the engines again and steam right round in a circle, meantime getting the emergency boat swung out, manned and ready for lowering. When the ship is heading for the man steady the helm, ease the engines and get as close to him as possible, stop the ship, drop the boat and pick him up. 8. What would you do if a man fell overboard in heavy weather? Heave him a life-buoy. Stop the engines. Send a man aloft to watch him if necessary. Maneeuvre the ship to windward of the man, at the same time getting ready a boat which will be a lee one when you are in position for lowering. Spread oil to make a smooth. Heave the ship to, man the boat and lower away. Steam down to leeward, again spreading oil, and make a lee for the boat. Have a boatrope fore and aft with men to tend it ready for the boat as she comes alongside. Have good men at the falls, watch a chance to hook on, get her up again as quickly as possible. 9. In hazy weather you discover land ahead and on each side. What action would you take? ^Come full astern on the engines. Turn the ship short round and steam out on a course opposite to that on which I came in. Take frequent soundings and proceed with caution.