GETTING UNDER WAY 307 Another way would be to heave in some of the cable, go slowly ahead passing the anchor on my port side with rudder to port and keeping a httle strain on the cable, steam slowly round the anchor until I was heading down the river Stop the engines, lift the anchor, and proceed. 23 You are lying in a tideway moored to two anchors. How would yov get under way? Pay out on the cable ahead of me and drop back and pick up the anchor I am not riding to. I could then steam ahead to ease the strain on the cable and windlass and heave the other anchor up. I am then "under way." 24. How would you get under way when lying alongside a wharf head down a river on the flood tide? Keep a good backsprmg fast from my inside quarter, also a forward breastrope. Take in all my other moorings. When ready, let go my forward breastrope and haul it in The tide on iny inside bow will cant her head out. Go ahead on my engines, heave away on my after backspring, finally letting it go and hauling it in (Fig 5). Fig. 5 Fig. 6. 25. How would you get under way from a wharf when lying head to tide, your off-shore anchor being down and bearing 2 or 3 points on the bow? Bun a good headline out from my inside bow on to the wharf, keep a good forward breastrope out and take in all my other moorings. When all ready, let go my breastrope and haul it in. Ease away on my headline and *et the ship swing out from the wharf and lie to the anchor (Position 2, Fig. 6). Haul my headline in. Heave the anchor up,