334 NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE 7. How would you manage if there was not enough water near the ship for you to hang it vertically? Hang it horizontally between two spars. I should sling it carefully with the arms vertical and stock in a horizontal position, and lower it down to a suitable level, first shackling the wire hawser on to it Bring - the boats along, one on each side of it, and lash two spars across the four gunwales, one to take each end of the anchor. Secure the upper fluke to one of the spars by means of a rope that could be gently eased away, and lash the ring to the other one. Heave the boats out with the guess warp as before. When in the right position, cockbill the anchor, that is, allow it to hang vertically by slacking away and then letting go the fluke lashing. Let go the anchor by cutting the ring lashing. See that the wire is all clear before letting go. JURY STEERING GEAR. * In the event of the steam steering gear breaking down, the hand or emergency gear must be connected up, but should both carry away Fig. 12. then ways and means of rigging a working attachment to the quadrant or tiller must be devised. The following efficient system of block and tackle gear was rigged up in the American steamer West Harskaw