THE LOG BOOK 341 of the compass. Any allowance made for the set and drift of the current. The ship's position at noon by observation if possible; also position by dead reckoning worked from position at previous noon; also position at any other times if sights are taken. Times during which the Regulation lights are exhibited Names of men on the lookout. Soundings of pump wells. Barometer and thermometer readings. Work done about the ship. Sail set or taken m, etc. In a steamer I would also note any orders given through the telegraph to the engineers, distances on the patent log, and all other items of importance, 4 What entries would you make in heavy weather? The kind of sea that was running, that is, whether a cross sea or a very high sea, etc , also how the vessel was behaving and whether shipping heavy seas, etc.; what sail was set; also I would note if she was labouring heavily, or if there was any evidence of straining in any part of the vessel, and if anything was carried or washed away. In a steamer I would note how the engines were going, if the propeller was racing much, hatches inspected, etc. 5. Why is it important to have entries of bad weather in the log book? So that in case the cargo gets damaged through stress of weather, the log book may be produced in evidence thereof. 6. What entries would you make after anchoring in a river or harbour? Depth of water, anchor let go, amount of cable out, direction of wind and tide, the state of the weather, barometer reading, and the bearing of some fixed objects ashore. 7. What entries would you make after taking soundings? The time, depth of water, nature of ground; also distance on the patent log, and the estimated position of ship. 8. What entries would you make going along a coast? The time of passing the principal points, and distance ofi them when abeam; also ship's position by cross bearings, sextant angles, or any other means when opportunity for doing so arises. 9. What entries would you make if you experienced foggy or thick weather? The time it caine on and at which fog signals were started, speed of