CELLULAE DOUBLE BOTTOM 441 the strake of shell plating on which it rests The tank side bracket is really a continuation of the interrupted floor. The supplementary figure shows in plan the further connection of the bracket to the cellular double bottom. H is the flange at the top edge of the bracket Gis a "gusset" plate with its edge riveted to the flanged edge of the margin plate C, with six rivets along its centre up to the point of the gusset thus connecting it to the horizontal flange of the angle at H. See also page 598 Lightening holes K are cut in the floor plates to reduce the weight of material and to allow a free flow of water as well as access for cleaning purposes between the cells of the compartment. Small drainage holes are shown at the corners of the floors and a larger one in the tank side bracket. Water can also pass through a drainage hole at the lower corner of the bracket. It is in this space, called the bilges, where drainage water, due mostly to condensation of moisture on the sides of the ship, collects. The suction pipes leading from the various compartments to the pumps in the engine-room are usually laid in the bilges. Portable planks are secured along the top of the bilge space so that the interior is accessible for cleaning. Access to the C D B,, however, is only possible through manholes on the top of the inner bottom plating which, of course, are covered with a door capable of being screwed up watertight. Fig 22 —Solid and Bracket Floors. Figure 22 shows several cells of a C*D B. C is the centre plate girder with angles at its top and bottom edges riveted to the flat plate keel K) and centre plate of inner bottom N.