QUESTIONS 485 21. Sketch a C.D.B. and indicate particularly tow watertight connection is made at the bilge. 22. What is (a) a longitudinal; (6) margin plate; (c) tank side bracket; (d) gusset plate? 23. What arrangements are made to allow water to now from one transverse section to the nest? 24. When and where are web frames introduced? 25. Show by a sketch the method of uniting a web frame and stringer at their crossing. 26 Show by sketches how two plates are riveted together. 27. Sketch (a) a lap joint; (6) a butt strap joint. 28. What is zig-zag riveting and chain riveting? 29. Describe with sketches the usual system of shell plating. 30. What are the disadvantages and advantages of the "joggled" and the "out and in" systems7 31. What is the disadvantage of the clinker system of deck plating £ 32. What is a stealer? 33. Sketch and name some of the girder sections used in ship construction. 34. Mention the names of different lands of rivets and illustrate them by sketches. 35. What are the functions of a pillar? What are the structural advantages and the commercial disadvantages of pillars in a cargo hold? 36. Sketch some forms of heads and heels of pillars. 37. How is a deck flat made watertight at the ship's side (a) when both frame and reversed frame are severed; (b) when the frame is continuous? 38. In what manner do bulkheads contribute structural strength and safety to a vessel? 39. What minimum number of watertight bulkheads is fitted in a steamship and what are their special functions? 40. How is bulkhead plating stiffened and how is it connected to the shell plating? 41. A stringer is cut at a bulkhead, what method is adopted to maintain the strength at the juncture? 42. What is the advantage of having longitudinal bulkheads in cargo spaces?