538 NIOHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE Original draught ... 8ft. Oins. Half-trim...... IJins. New draught A 8ft. Oins. l^ins. 7ft. 10£in 8ft. Given the following ship dimensions, find her coefficient of fineness. Ir, 450ft., B 56ft., d 24ft., displacement, 12,900 tons. LxBxdxcoeff. Displacement in tons 35 _Displ. x 35 _ .•.ooett. - 12900 x 35 450x56x24 ; •74 A rectangular tank, 60 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 10 feet deep, floats at a draught of 5 feet. The tank is divided into three equal compartments, each 20 feet long. If the middle compartment gets bilged what will be the new draught of the tafik ? When a compartment gets flooded and laid open to the sea, the mean sinkage of the vessel is equal to the volume of the lost buoyancy divided by the area of the waterplane remaining intact. That is to say :— .- . , . , , Volume of portion ABOD in cubic feet. Mean smkage in feet —^ rf ^_ar(—f CF i^quare--feet. 20x15x5 01 . , - 20xl5X2==;2*feet- The new draught is 5 feet + 2£ feet = 7£ feet. There is no change of trim, as the centre of gravity has not changed in a fore and aft direction.